Sarah McVanel – Employee Engagement | Employee Recognition Speaker

Sarah McVanel - Recognition ExpertSARAH MCVANEL
Three Ways to Create a Healthy Workplace Ecosystem

People make a first impression  about your workplace within minutes of being there. When it comes to clients, new staff, or potential partners, they often base their decision to work with you (whether subconsciously or consciously) on your office ecosystem, which is why it’s so important to cultivate a positive and healthy culture.

Recognition expert Sarah McVanel is passionate about recognizing greatness in each other and ourselves, and says it is a fundamental tool in improving morale, increasing top talent retention, and generating a positive corporate culture — all of which lead to sustained business success and a stronger bottom line.

She shared three tips to help create and maintain a healthy workplace that will result in better working relationships with both customers and employees. 

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Cheryl Cran – Leadership & Future of Work, Expert

Cheryl Cran- The Future of Work ExpertCHERYL CRAN
Four Questions A Future Ready Leader Needs to Ask Every Day



Leadership and change expert Cheryl Cran helps leaders and their teams build “future” workplaces. Through her research into the future of work, technology, innovation, and generational impact, she helps drive transformation in a fast-paced world.

Cheryl understands that a majority of a leader’s day is spent putting out fires and dealing with the immediate. So, how can you make sure the long-term doesn’t get outweighed by the short-term? She recommends “future-ready” leaders to start each day with four simple questions:

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Dr. Janet Lapp | Change Management & Leadership Speaker

Speaker, Dr. Janet LappDR. JANET LAPP
ChangeFitâ„¢: Five ways to more Flexibility and Better Ideas

Dr. Janet Lapp delivers a powerful message: change is not a force to be feared but an opportunity to be seized. With humour and finesse, she confronts her audiences with the truth of what they need to do–and how they need to think–to move into the future with success and optimism. Her energy-charged, exhilarating programs provide usable ideas people can put to use right away. Below, Janet Lapp writes about change pioneer-ship:

It struck me while listening to programs from the Industry Strategy Meeting 2016 (Tianjin, China) that disruptions in the future of work will demand not change leadership but change ‘pioneer-ship.’ Rather than change to lead, there is change to invent.

So I wondered what simple consistent actions could help us gear up to be ‘Change Pioneers?’ Here are five quick-start jolts to thinking status-quo that are easy to schedule. As stand-alones, they don’t seem so impressive. Try even one or two of them for even a week or two and I bet you’ll be surprised at the new ideas that pop up.

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Mike Walsh | Futurist & Authority on Digital Trends in Emerging Markets

Speaker, Mike WalshMIKE WALSH
Your Kids Will Be Raised By A.I.

What does it take to lead a 21st century company? Can we re-imagine the way we do business? Mike Walsh prepares business leaders for what’s next. A leading authority on the intersection of emerging technologies, consumer behavior, and fast growth markets, Mike brings his unique insights into the growing influence of new markets on breakthrough innovation and business transformation. He expertly distils his insights into tailored keynotes that allow any audience to influence the future direction of their industry. Below, Mike writes on the very real possibility that artificial intelligence will play a role in the upbringing of the next generation of children:

Ask someone to picture AI, and they will most likely think about Terminators, psychotic fembots or angry robots from Hollywood central casting. But what makes AI actually frightening is not that it is ‘sci-fi’, but the that it is, in fact, already deeply embedded into our daily lives. If you have a child born post 2007, chances are that they have already been shaped by algorithms and digital platforms.

Here’s my view — from toys to teaching, AI is profoundly influencing human development from childhood and beyond. When your five-year-old has a thousand more questions than you have patience to answer, Amazon’s Alexa speaking through your living room Echo speaker, will be there to respond. If not Alexa, then Apple’s Siri, or Google, through their new Google Home device. Algorithms influence what your children watch on YouTube, the content of their social feeds, their interactions on Minecraft, as well as monitoring the temperature of their bedrooms, and their sleeping, exercise and eating habits.

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Molly Fletcher – Business Leader & Negotiating Expert

Molly Fletcher - Speaker - Business Expert - FLETCHER
Speaker & Former Sports Agent


MOLLY FLETCHER helps inspire and equip game changers to dream, live and grow fearlessly. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working with elite athletes and coaches as a sports agent, and applies them to the business world.

Here, Molly talks about “Why Your Personal Mission Statement Matters”

Recently I was away from home at a personal development retreat, working on crafting my personal mission statement. I was feeling great about my progress when I called my husband, who aside from handling his professional career, was handling all the normal daily issues at home with our three girls.

While I was feeling inspired, rested and focused from my time at the retreat, I could tell my wonderful husband had experienced an exhausting day.  Sometimes those long distance parenting calls can be challenging when you aren’t in the same physical location to support each other.

This call was a bit different, and this moment became a turning point for my work—all because of my personal mission statement. I want to share this process with you so you can see the great value in focusing on your best purpose, the best you, and how it benefits others—especially those closest to you.

In that phone call, I did not default to trying to fix or rescue the situation. I paused to reflect on my 10-word mission statement (To connect, inspire and lead with creative courage and optimism), which guided me to new behavior that was healthier for everyone in my family. Instead of frustration or caving in, I reflected on my mission statement. How could I connect, inspire and lead with creative courage and optimism inside this one conversation with my husband?

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