Michelle Ray – Three Strategies to Respond Positively to Negative Feedback

Michelle Ray - Workplace Relationships ExpertMICHELLE RAY
Three Strategies to Respond Positively to Negative Feedback

Michelle Ray is an award-winning speaker who helps people and organizations of every description to take the lead, get out of their comfort zones and develop the willingness to risk. As an in-demand business conference speaker, educator and leadership coach, Michelle challenges her clients and audiences to take charge of themselves, shift perspectives and discover their greatest potential.

If you have ever been at the receiving end of criticism, either from a co-worker or manager, it is likely you have found yourself struggling to respond positively…or worse, have defaulted to apologizing when you have done nothing wrong. Even if the criticism is warranted or offered inappropriately, you cannot control the other person’s intention, words or delivery. What you can do is respond in a positive fashion while maintaining respect…for yourself and the bearer of disparaging comments. Whether the feedback pertains to your work, your relationship or a specific situation that transpired between both parties, your goal is to rise above the negativity and respond, rather than react.

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