Linda Nazareth-Economics & Trends Expert

Linda Nazareth - Economics and Trends Expert -


Should Financial Advisors Feel Threatened by Robots?

The world we live in is morphing into a new one as we speak—that’s a scary prospect for many, but after a presentation by economist and trends expert Linda Nazareth, you will feel like you have a handle on the future. The Senior Fellow for Economics and Population Change at policy think-tank The Macdonald-Laurier Institute, Linda is an expert in demographic and economic trends. Her talks focus on what will happen—and what you need to think about to be on the right side of change. Below, Linda writes on whether or not we need to be worried about the robots:

What do you think of we someone mentions jobs being replaced by technology? Maybe you flash on the automated checkout counters at your local grocery store, or you picture an assembly line powered by robots. What you probably do not figure on is one of those robots choosing stocks for you – but maybe you should. ‘Robo Advisors’ are now a thing, and more and more they will have a say in your portfolio.

Okay, it is not likely to be quite that cut-and-dried – financial advisors will not be asked to pick up their briefcases and march out of the office so that a fleet of robots can take their seats. And to be really accurate, Robo Advisors are not really robots who pick stocks. Instead, they refer to automated services that ask users a series of questions (‘what is your investment horizon?’, ‘what is your risk tolerance?’), then use an algorithm to come up with a plan that users can tweak as they would like. That done, they provide automated portfolio management services. Fees for use tend to be lower than going through an actual human advisor, which is of course a draw to many.

The best known name in the Robo Advisor game is probably Betterment, a digital investment startup out of New York that in March raised $100 million in venture financing, taking its total valuation to $700 million and making it more than a niche player. Even more significant is that the established names in finance – T. Rowe Price, Charles Schwab, Vanguard – have been making significant moves to broaden their use of computer-managed investment portfolios.

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Ryan Estis – Business Performance Expert

Ryan Estis - Business Performance Expert -


Three Things Innovative Leaders Do Differently

Ryan Estis challenges conventional thinking on corporate culture, communication, client acquisition, brand ambassadorship and change. The former chief strategy officer for the marketing division of McCann Erickson, he helps companies, leaders, and sellers more effectively connect to their two most important audiences: employees and customers. Guiding audiences through the realities of the new economy, Ryan blends interaction, energy, and actionable content to transform and elevate your business outcomes. Below, Ryan shares how the best leaders establish a vision and show people how to get there:

Everybody’s talking about innovation. Of course, everybody wants to innovate. We’re living in a disruptive time. Most of the business conferences I attend have a portion of the agenda and content specifically focused around leading “innovation” and unlocking the best ideas to move further and faster toward a vision for 2020.

Our workforce expects different things from their employers and managers. Our customers expect better products and services, faster. Our leaders and investors are looking for growth and returns.

How can we capitalize amid the chaos and lead teams to advance with confidence, commitment and continuous improvement top of mind?

I see three things that innovative leaders do differently.


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Molly Fletcher – Business Leader & Negotiating Expert

Molly Fletcher - Speaker - Business Expert - FLETCHER
Speaker & Former Sports Agent


MOLLY FLETCHER helps inspire and equip game changers to dream, live and grow fearlessly. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working with elite athletes and coaches as a sports agent, and applies them to the business world.

Here, Molly talks about “Why Your Personal Mission Statement Matters”

Recently I was away from home at a personal development retreat, working on crafting my personal mission statement. I was feeling great about my progress when I called my husband, who aside from handling his professional career, was handling all the normal daily issues at home with our three girls.

While I was feeling inspired, rested and focused from my time at the retreat, I could tell my wonderful husband had experienced an exhausting day.  Sometimes those long distance parenting calls can be challenging when you aren’t in the same physical location to support each other.

This call was a bit different, and this moment became a turning point for my work—all because of my personal mission statement. I want to share this process with you so you can see the great value in focusing on your best purpose, the best you, and how it benefits others—especially those closest to you.

In that phone call, I did not default to trying to fix or rescue the situation. I paused to reflect on my 10-word mission statement (To connect, inspire and lead with creative courage and optimism), which guided me to new behavior that was healthier for everyone in my family. Instead of frustration or caving in, I reflected on my mission statement. How could I connect, inspire and lead with creative courage and optimism inside this one conversation with my husband?

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Molly Fletcher – Why It’s Never Too Late to Reinvent Yourself

Molly Fletcher - Speaker - Business Expert - FLETCHER
Speaker & Former Sports Agent


MOLLY FLETCHER helps inspire and equip game changers to dream, live and grow fearlessly. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working with elite athletes and coaches as a sports agent, and applies them to the business world.

Here, Molly talks about Why It’s Never Too Late to Reinvent Yourself

Fearless reinvention is a topic near to my heart. People often ask me about how I could leave my secure, comfortable job as a sports agent to pursue my dream of speaking and writing about reaching your greatest potential and achievement. What I think resonates with people is that I went all in. I wasn’t miserable or forced out of my old job. I was clear on what my dream was and the risk involved. When I left the agency where I had been for almost two decades, I had three keynote speeches booked that added up to about 5% of my base salary—yikes.

Did I know I would make it? No, but I was comfortable betting on myself and embracing the unknown. I had created choices for myself, but it was up to me to pull the trigger. Maybe you are doubting your ability to do the same, so I want to share what I’ve learned with you: Here’s why it’s never too late to reinvent yourself.

The clue to your reinvention is right here; pinpoint it.

We all gravitate to what we are good at, and in your current work you are doing something that springs from your passion. This thing is going to launch you to success in your reinvention. Here’s what I mean.

As a sports agent, I thrived building relationships. I love taking a raw relationship and building it into an unbreakable bond. The higher the stakes, the more I wanted to succeed, and the more I did. As I repeated this daily for multiple years, relationship building became second nature to me. When I considered leaving my career, this foundational skill gave me the confidence to believe I could get on a stage and establish an awesome connection with an audience of hundreds or thousands of people. It may have been a completely different career, but the premise was the same. To thrive, I would have to turn these raw connections into authentic relationships.

Your ability to authentically and authoritatively do what you are most passionate about is growing inside you right now. That gift is going to really blossom in your reinvention. I firmly believe and love the idea that when we follow our passions, the career follows us.

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Molly Fletcher – Business Leadership & Negotiating Expert

Molly Fletcher - Speaker - Business Expert - FLETCHER
Speaker & Former Sports Agent


MOLLY FLETCHER helps inspire and equip game changers to dream, live and grow fearlessly. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working with elite athletes and coaches as a sports agent, and applies them to the business world.

Here, Molly talks about 3  Leadership Lessons from Parenting:

Time passes so quickly that I can barely believe my three daughters are almost teenagers. Seems like they were just in diapers, I was telling my friend Hal Runkel, president of The ScreamFree Institute and a national expert on helping families create great relationships. I love to pick his brain to be the best mom I can be as my children grow more independent.

Hal’s wisdom helps people become better leaders, not just better parents. Hal repeated three simple words to me: love, learn and launch. That’s your role as a parent, he explained.  It stuck and serves a great reminder for building great relationships on corporate teams, not just families.

Lesson 1: Love.
A great leader (and parent) is excited about each team member, their skills and personality, and how they will fit into your mission and team chemistry. This connection remains no matter what the person does. Yes, you may have to have hard conversations along the way—the deep respect that grows from a leader’s care makes those difficult moments easier to navigate.

Here’s a specific example of love and leadership: recruiting and hiring. This is your first step to bringing a new person into your team, and he or she can sense your passion and authenticity (or insincerity). There is no substitute for this gut emotion.

In recruiting and hiring, we only have one chance to make a first impression, which can make or break success. As the keynote speaker at a recent national conference on talent acquisition and the candidate experience, I learned that nearly half of all candidates (47.7 percent) had no previous relationship with a company before applying, meaning that the candidate experience is the first exposure they have to a company’s brand and highlighting the need to for employers to get it right.

Company values are crucial to shaping an employer brand; 41.4 percent of candidates stated that the most important marketing material influencing their decision to apply was the company’s values.

If you are unsure of this person’s qualifications or fit, that can be hard to hide. Great leaders find some level of emotional connection to those who work for them. This can be through a shared passion for the work, for the team, for goals. In this context, “love” is a deep connection that is essential for long-term success.

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