Amanda Gore – Communications & Customer Service Expert

Business is all about feelings.

Carl Buechner said that “people will forget what you say; they will forget what you do; but they will never forget how you made them feel!”

Do you remember the best boss you ever had?
What made them the best?

Wasn’t it that they genuinely cared for you and you felt that they were interested in you and your growth?  That you felt they believed in you? And they probably did!

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Dr. Mark Devolder – Change, Transition, Leadership & Motivational Expert

Dr. Mark Devolder discusses his keynote presentations

What is the message you hope people take away from your presentations?
There is a common thread through each of my presentations. Whether I’m speaking on change, engagement or leadership, the message I want people to take away is this; it’s all about people. In essence my philosophy can be summed up by my phrase, “The business of relationships.”

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Mike Lipkin – World renowned Motivational Speaker, Communicator, Peak Performance Expert

The Power of Small Wins: Search, Stretch, Savour, Sustain

It’s Leap Year Day. Ever wondered why we need it? Leap Years keep the calendar in alignment with the Earth’s revolutions around the sun. It takes the Earth 365.242 days to circle once around the Sun. If we didn’t add a day on February 29 every 4 years, we would lose six hours every year. After 100 years, the calendar would be off by 24 days.

So what’s the moral of the story? We’re all part of the global revolution. We have a personal rhythm that must synchronize with our environment. We’re either becoming our best, or we’re drifting. It only takes a tiny lag every day to be off by a lot in our lifetime.

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Michelle Ray: Leadership Strategist & Workplace Relationships Expert

Michelle Ray - Workplace Relationships ExpertMICHELLE RAY
Staying power … Why do people love their jobs? Ten ways for leaders to lead for long-term success

Recently I worked with two clients in very different arenas (education and accounting; union and non-union) and I found myself thinking about the fact that people who love their jobs have several things in common. In both cases, the people from these two organizations were all in a support staff role yet they were polar opposites in terms of the nature of their clientele. When charged with the responsibility of putting on their respective conferences, they rose to the challenge and were deeply committed to great outcomes.

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