Mike Lipkin – World renowned Motivational Speaker, Communicator, Peak Performance Expert

Earn Your Grace Through Your Passion For The Grind

According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2013 is the Year of the Black Snake. This is the year that requires focus, discipline and fanatical attention to detail. The Snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. It is also the sign of the sixth sense – enigmatic, intuitive, and introspective.

Black is the color of space, night, and deep water. It is believed that the Black Snake will bring people unexpected changes and instability. That means being careful and creative, balanced and bold, responsible and risk-taking, proactive and protective in equal measure.

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Richard Worzel – Canada’s Leading Futurist & Visionary

Is America Still the Greatest Country in the World?

“There is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we’re the greatest country in the world. We’re 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, number 4 in labor force, and number 4 in exports. We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies.”
– News anchor Will MacAvoy, a character in “The Newsroom”, HBO

There are actually two questions implied in the title of this blog. First, is America still the greatest country in the world? And then, if it is, can it remain so – or even, how long can it remain so?

That America was the greatest country in the world following World War II, and through the second half of the 20th Century is beyond dispute. In economic power, military might, cultural influence, and just about every other way, America bestrode the world like a colossus, with only the Soviet Union and its empire providing anything like serious competition.

But just as the sun finally set on the British Empire, is America’s day over?

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Richard Worzel – Canada’s Leading Futurist & Visionary

Six Things to Know About the Robots in Your Future

We grew up with robots. There was Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons, the “I, Robot” science fiction series from Isaac Asimov (which later became a movie with Will Smith), the model B9 robot from the “Lost in Space” television series, R2D2 and C3PO from the Star Wars space operas, and the Terminator from the governor’s mansion in California. In the real world, there were robots in car factories, which were big, bulky pieces of machinery bolted to the floor that moved pieces of cars into place, welded seams, and painted car bodies. More recently, we’ve had cute little toys that roll around holding trays on which you can place drinks or snacks, replicas of R2D2 that were either remote control operated or voice-activated, and Roomba and Scooba floor-cleaning robots. And because the real-world robots seemed to fall far short of the fictional robots, and because we’ve been disappointed by real robots for decades we’ve concluded that robots will always be fictional, and will always be disappointing. (For instance, I have a wind up robot in my office that walks and shots sparks, but sadly, refuses to exterminate the people I don’t like.)

Accordingly, we’re about to be surprised, for real robots and their non-physical counterparts, computer intelligences, are about to enter our lives in a very real way. And initially at least, our reactions to them are likely to be that they are either creepy, or infuriating. Let’s start with the ways in which we are likely to encounter robots and computer intelligences, and then let me move on to where the evolution of robots is headed.

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Jim Carroll: Futurist, Trends, Creativity & Innovation Expert

Jim Carroll - Futurist & Trends ExpertJIM CARROLL
Trending in 2012: What’s to come in the year to come …

Here’s some of the key trends that I see unfolding through 2012 and beyond. My unique job allows me the opportunity to see and hear what a lot of CEO’s and senior executives in a lot of organizations are thinking about. The nature of my keynotes and small board / leadership meetings allows me to understand what folks are focused on. The research I do, whether for a major manufacturing conference in Las Vegas or a small corporate meeting with an ice cream company allows me to see the key trends that are unfolding right now.

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