Molly Fletcher – Business Leadership & Negotiating Expert

Molly Fletcher - Speaker - Business Expert - FLETCHER
Speaker & Former Sports Agent


MOLLY FLETCHER helps inspire and equip game changers to dream, live and grow fearlessly. A keynote speaker and author, Molly draws on her decades of experiences working with elite athletes and coaches as a sports agent, and applies them to the business world.

Here, Molly talks about 3  Leadership Lessons from Parenting:

Time passes so quickly that I can barely believe my three daughters are almost teenagers. Seems like they were just in diapers, I was telling my friend Hal Runkel, president of The ScreamFree Institute and a national expert on helping families create great relationships. I love to pick his brain to be the best mom I can be as my children grow more independent.

Hal’s wisdom helps people become better leaders, not just better parents. Hal repeated three simple words to me: love, learn and launch. That’s your role as a parent, he explained.  It stuck and serves a great reminder for building great relationships on corporate teams, not just families.

Lesson 1: Love.
A great leader (and parent) is excited about each team member, their skills and personality, and how they will fit into your mission and team chemistry. This connection remains no matter what the person does. Yes, you may have to have hard conversations along the way—the deep respect that grows from a leader’s care makes those difficult moments easier to navigate.

Here’s a specific example of love and leadership: recruiting and hiring. This is your first step to bringing a new person into your team, and he or she can sense your passion and authenticity (or insincerity). There is no substitute for this gut emotion.

In recruiting and hiring, we only have one chance to make a first impression, which can make or break success. As the keynote speaker at a recent national conference on talent acquisition and the candidate experience, I learned that nearly half of all candidates (47.7 percent) had no previous relationship with a company before applying, meaning that the candidate experience is the first exposure they have to a company’s brand and highlighting the need to for employers to get it right.

Company values are crucial to shaping an employer brand; 41.4 percent of candidates stated that the most important marketing material influencing their decision to apply was the company’s values.

If you are unsure of this person’s qualifications or fit, that can be hard to hide. Great leaders find some level of emotional connection to those who work for them. This can be through a shared passion for the work, for the team, for goals. In this context, “love” is a deep connection that is essential for long-term success.

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Ryan Estis | Business Performance Expert |Speaker

Ryan Estis - Business Performance Expert -

Winning With Total Client Experience

Ryan Estis message is a compelling crusade on corporate culture, communication, client acquisition, brand ambassadorship, change and preparing to thrive in the ultra-competitive, hyper connected business environment we now know as the new normal. Ryan approaches the platform prepared to impact the world of work and employee/customer evangelism with powerful ideas, case study examples, in session action planning and energy that makes the moment memorable enough to ensure meaningful outcomes. Ryan blends storytelling from his own personal experiences as a Fortune 500 Chief Strategy Officer with leading research to offer relevant content for today’s progressive Leadership Event, HR Conference, Corporate Retreat or Sales Training/Transformation initiative.

Below, Ryan writes about a recent event he did for the Investment Planning Counsel’s annual conference, and how the IPC’s approach to the “total client experience”:

As Aristotle said, ‘Excellence is not an act, but a habit.’ We’re establishing the habit of excellence.” – Chris Reynolds, CEO of Investment Planning Counsel

I settled into the last row in the Vancouver Convention Center. It was approaching 8 am and the 19th annual Investment Planning Counsel conference was about to kick off. I was giving the closing presentation on day one so I had carved out most of the day to attend the event, learn from the other speakers and prep for my talk.

CEO Chris Reynolds took the stage first and 60 minutes later I had 5 pages of notes and 3 actionable ideas to help improve my business! I am always interested in the opportunity to listen to a successful entrepreneur and learn about his journey. Chris didn’t disappoint. In fact, he gave a passionate presentation about why the business exists, why the work matters, the very BIG opportunity they plan to capture and precisely how they intend to capture it. You could feel the energy elevate in the room around where this business is going. I was particularly moved by his absolute obsession with creating a world-class customer experience and the roadmap they use to deliver. I caught up with him after the conference to dive a little deeper.

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Michelle Ray – Three Strategies to Respond Positively to Negative Feedback

Michelle Ray - Workplace Relationships ExpertMICHELLE RAY
Three Strategies to Respond Positively to Negative Feedback

Michelle Ray is an award-winning speaker who helps people and organizations of every description to take the lead, get out of their comfort zones and develop the willingness to risk. As an in-demand business conference speaker, educator and leadership coach, Michelle challenges her clients and audiences to take charge of themselves, shift perspectives and discover their greatest potential.

If you have ever been at the receiving end of criticism, either from a co-worker or manager, it is likely you have found yourself struggling to respond positively…or worse, have defaulted to apologizing when you have done nothing wrong. Even if the criticism is warranted or offered inappropriately, you cannot control the other person’s intention, words or delivery. What you can do is respond in a positive fashion while maintaining respect…for yourself and the bearer of disparaging comments. Whether the feedback pertains to your work, your relationship or a specific situation that transpired between both parties, your goal is to rise above the negativity and respond, rather than react.

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Michael Kerr – The Workplace Energizer | Speaker

Michael Kerr - The Workplace Energizer - KERR
Culture at Work is Everything, and Everything is Culture

Why choose between humour and content when you can have both? Mike Kerr is one of North America’s leading authorities on fostering innovative and inspiring workplace cultures. His presentations—known for introducing practical ideas that audiences can put to work immediately—are delivered in a truly unforgettable and hilarious fashion for maximum impact. Below, Mike explains why your workplace culture is so important

Michael Kerr - The Workplace Energergizer - doesn’t matter what you do, whether you are in the government or private business: Culture drives success.

When I use the word “culture,” I’m referring to your workplace’s personality. Your DNA.  How you do the things you do.  I’m talking about an ecosystem, holistic, long term perspective of your workplace and recognizing that everything in work is interconnected to everything else.

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Speaker Cheryl Cran on Reverse Mentoring

On Reverse Mentoring: The Untapped Resource for Innovation and Business Growth

Reverse mentoring is a concept that was first introduced in the 90’s by Jack Welch, then CEO of GM, who insisted that all senior leaders be paired up with young tech whizzes. Since then, companies such as Hewlett Packard and Cisco Systems are benefiting from the creation of reverse mentoring programs.

So, what does reverse mentoring look like?

Reverse mentoring is the pairing Gen Y’s or Millennials with Senior Leaders, who meet in a neutral environment with the focus of the meet-up on how the Gen Y or Millennial can provide ideas, support, or tools for the Senior Leader to increase knowledge on technology and social media. Often, the Senior Leader will share his or her knowledge on business with the Gen Y or Millennial, which provides the young mentors with added value.

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