Linda Edgecombe – Best-Selling Author & Motivator

Disconnect to Re-Engage,
People Back away from Your Cell

Disconnect to Re-Engage and Just Notice What you Notice

OK, people put down your cell phones, Blackberries, PDA’s, Pocket PC’s…What ever! And FOCUS.  This may sound amusing but I am dead serious here. Oh, and I don’t mean turn them to vibrate, stun or whichever setting you normally do to appear courteous. I want you to shut them OFF. Off means OFF! But wait, there’s more: I want you to keep it OFF for one full day. Yes indeed I formally declare the first ever “National Disconnect to Re-engage Day”.

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Alvin Law – Inspirational, Motivational Speaker

Why I became a speaker and why I continue to speak …

I usually reserve my blogs for my rant-zone and if people didn’t know, 95% of the time, I try to focus on positive thinking both in my work and in my life so my rants are my release valve…one can only take so much. The sad part is how many people are negative 95% of time and believe they not only have a right to be cranky, but they actually call it their nature. I think that’s a cop out because our nature reflects our attitude and attitude is a simple choice.

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Mike Lipkin – World renowned Motivational Speaker, Communicator, Peak Performance Expert

The Power of Small Wins: Search, Stretch, Savour, Sustain

It’s Leap Year Day. Ever wondered why we need it? Leap Years keep the calendar in alignment with the Earth’s revolutions around the sun. It takes the Earth 365.242 days to circle once around the Sun. If we didn’t add a day on February 29 every 4 years, we would lose six hours every year. After 100 years, the calendar would be off by 24 days.

So what’s the moral of the story? We’re all part of the global revolution. We have a personal rhythm that must synchronize with our environment. We’re either becoming our best, or we’re drifting. It only takes a tiny lag every day to be off by a lot in our lifetime.

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Denise Marek – Author, Media Personality & Work Life Balance Expert

How to Bounce Back

My 17-year-old daughter Brianna seems to bounce back with ease from challenges and changes. I became very aware of this trait in her when she was nine years old. At that time, I said to her, “Brianna, you’re my little bouncer. You always bounce back.”

She replied, “Mom, only deflated balls don’t bounce.”

While she likely wasn’t aware of just how wise her words were, what she said was profound: Only deflated balls don’t bounce. To bounce more easily from setbacks, changes, adversity, challenges, and obstacles in your life, you have become an inflated ball.

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Michelle Ray: Leadership Strategist & Workplace Relationships Expert

Michelle Ray - Workplace Relationships ExpertMICHELLE RAY
Staying power … Why do people love their jobs? Ten ways for leaders to lead for long-term success

Recently I worked with two clients in very different arenas (education and accounting; union and non-union) and I found myself thinking about the fact that people who love their jobs have several things in common. In both cases, the people from these two organizations were all in a support staff role yet they were polar opposites in terms of the nature of their clientele. When charged with the responsibility of putting on their respective conferences, they rose to the challenge and were deeply committed to great outcomes.

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